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Encounter with an Alpha male got me humble

by paige700 2023. 6. 26.

They say what you wish happens.


I met my first Alpha Male in a long time. I was taken back and was actually pretty nervous.
Features that made him an alpha male
1. Tall height about 180cm / good skin and dresses appropriately
2. Is kind and suggestive and smiles often: gives things when you look like you need it (even when I didn’t ask) like cold water pouche, water cooler
3. Does not brag or speak ill of others or speak for the sake of speaking: has an air of coolness around you
4. Drives an expensive car and has expensive hobbies such as golfing, going to the dermotologist and eating at fine restaurants.
5. Says that “you are not a real men yet”

And was I surprised when I heard that phrase.
Men telling a men, “you are not a real men yet”.
I was so surprised that there was a men that knew “real men” exists.

There are two guys in my tennis club.
One guy Sam, is 35 years old. At first, I had bad vibes from him.
I didn’t like the tone when he spoke to me, and his quick defensive reaction when talking about heights.
Honestly, I don’t think many women think of heights as the sole factor when choosing a boyfriend.
It definately is PART of the factor like 20%.
I think his pro features are
1) He graduated from a good college and has a good job
2) He comes from a well off family
3) Has a lot of male friends and female friends
4) Isn’t ugly and is very fit physically

I thought he liked me because
1) He asked for my number
2) He texted me a bit that was not flirting, but to figure me out

But there are features that tell me that he is a beta
1) He brags
2) Quick defensive attitude
3) Always on the phone texting quickly
4) Hasn’t had a girlfriend for 7 years
5) Still can’t forget his second girlfriend

I don’t understand. A guy that is rich and physically fit should have no issue finding a girlfriend.
I think he has very high expectations and standards.

And, I really felt like he has an anxious attachment style and is a  ESTJ.
The vibe was so far off. I can’t believe I saw that, but still had some swindling hope that I could do well with him.
I am such a funny girl I swear!